Introducing Flynn!

13:20 Anonymous 2 Comments


Introducing Georgia.F!

13:19 Anonymous 2 Comments

Hi my name is  Georgia F.  

I was born in New Zealand. I love to rock climb at rock climbing and I am 7 years old I am nelly 8 years old. 

I do not like swimming only in light poles and I don't like swimming lessons but I do like swimming in pools and the sea and I love to buggyboard.


Race - By Natasha

08:47 Anonymous 1 Comments


The race was about to start. Lily's heart was beating louder than it ever had. All the others had already warmed up but lily had just arrived. She quickly warmed herself up and made her way to the start line.

"Beeeeeep!" Went the horn. They all took off within seconds. Lily was coming last. She said to herself "I can do this, I can win!" Lily ran faster. She passed one of them. Then another. The crowed cheered with excitement!

Lily was now in fifth place. The others were getting tired. They slowed down. Lily passed them. She was nearly in first place! The race was just about to finish. The other girl was to far ahead. Lily couldn't overtake her. But she could still make second place! The other girl passed the finish line. Lily was proud to be in second place. She had never done so well before.    


Writing - By Natasha

08:46 Anonymous 0 Comments

Lost and Found

Once upon a time, there lived a puppy. He lived in a wonderful house with a wonderful family. That took very good care of him. There were four children living there. They all loved him except for one child. His name was Albert. He had three sisters Alissa, Olivia and Isabella. Alissa would take the dog for walks in the morning, Olivia would feed him and Isabella would play with him during the day.

One day Alissa became very sick and couldn't take the dog Jack for a walk so Albert had to do it. Usually Albert would say no to anything he had to do with the dog. But this time he said "Yes!" The parents and sisters were surprised. But worried about the dog. They thought Albert had something planned.

But they gave him a chance. "Maybe he's changed." said Olivia. "Maybe he has." Replied their dad. Albert took Jack to a place they haven't been before. It was bigger. Way Bigger. He let Jack run free. Albert threw the leash away and Jacks collar. There was no way of anyone finding the dog. He ran home and said " I've lost Jack he ran away!"

The family was surprised because Albert never cared about Jack. They went to look at the park but they couldn't find him because they were at a different park. Albert took Jack to a different park. Time passed and they hadn't found the dog. It had been nearly six months now.

One day Their mother went for a walk and she found a park. It was called 'Hollow's Park." It was the same park where Albert took Jack six months ago. The family didn't know that Albert took jack to Hollows park until...

Albert was at his friend's house practising for a test on Monday. The family headed off to the park… as they were walking along the path… a dog came running towards them barking and jumping up on them. Guess who it was… it was Jack! The family was surprised, relieved, grateful and disappointed at the same time. They were disappointed in Albert that he would do something like that because Jack never did anything to him.

They played with Jack all day and finally went home. Just before the family was about to have a big discussion with Albert. He asked them If he could go to America with his friend. The family happily said "yes!" Albert packed his bag and left. Everyone was happy including Jack!

By Natasha


What Animals Really Say To Each Other. - By Isabella

08:44 Anonymous 2 Comments

What Animals really say to each other..


Milo- Ok, so this is our last can of food, so it's mine right?

Camilla- no way Milo smilo, paw it over dude, it's MIIIINE

Milo- Ok, so you're trying to get over the fact it is MINE and you are
just tired and grumpy.

Camilla- WHA YA SAY CAT!

Milo- It's mine see, my paw is on it.

Owner of Milo- Miloooooooo, time for your dinner!

Milo- This isn't over yet furball

Camilla- Seem's pretty over to me.


Dash- Gimme the ball.



Bolt- NEVER -Runs away with ball-

Dash- My life is officially… NOT OVER YET!

Dash- Runs for ball-

Bolt- Runs faster with ball-

Dash- My life is officially over.


Blup- Sup Dude, whats up

Bubble- what's up in your life bulp

Blup- I asked you first, sup?





Bubble- Why are we fighting again?

Blup- No idea, friends forever?

Bubble- Yeah! We have never ever had a fight from the moment we came together!


Tweetly- - Snores -


Tweetly - What, what, what's going on!!!!

Turnip- it's me turnip, and I have a song to sing to you!

Tweetly - Is it a song about turnips?

Turnip- No, its a RAP about turnips!

Tweetly - Oh gosh.

Turnip - My turnips, fresh so purple, turnips, turnips, so fresh and
clean! Turnips, oh turnips, Wooooooooooh, wooooooooooh woh, oh
yeaaaah, yeaaaah, yeaaaah, yeaaaaah, everybody is her, watching my
tunips turnips turnips.

Tweetly - Great Turnip! - Wispers - Not.

Tweetly - Oh yeah, I have to get going, bye. - Flys of really quick so
he doesn't have to lisen to Turnips rap anymore.

That's all for now!

I hope this informed you about what your pets really say to each
other, thanks for reading!


Animal Jam and Shopkins Descriptions

08:43 Anonymous 0 Comments

Animal jam

Animal jam is a type of game that people can play on any kind of device it is fun to play and you can get an animal that you want to be there are all kind of animal you want and you can name yourself and I think that you have to do your name or animal first it is fun to play there are Birds, Penguins,  Seals, Bear, Skwerl nearly and Rabbits every animal in the world in. Animal jam is fun to play and have fun with animals and join the club if you want to. I hope you have fun playing the game with your pet that you want.


Shopkins are a type of toy that you can play with they are small and there are heaps of them in the shop and there are some the same but different colours. You can get heaps of them and they also come with a small bag that fits the Shopkins. Sometimes they come with separate Shopkins. There are fruit, veggies, candy, shoes there are baby stuff anything except animal Shopkins

They even have name like shoes anne my one is called shoes anne. They come with a list that has all the names and you can see what your Shopkins name is and play with it. You can buy the Shopkins from any shop but some shops do not have Shopkins in the shop all the time are sometimes they have bilding like homes for them to live in. there eyes are so cute that sometimes you want to kiss them. You can find them anywhere toy shop. Even somewhere out of New Zealand.         


Writing made by Shay and Aixa

08:41 Anonymous 1 Comments

Mr Frogleterboo

Mr Frogleterboo was my class teacher. He was a really weird and a fun teacher. When we went to his class all we did was play games and partied around. Then when the principal came to our class he would say bad kids sit down and get to work but when the principal left we started partying around in the classroom again.

But then one day Mr Frogleterboo was to old and had retired and replaced with a very stressed women so that meant the teacher was very angry. All of the class were very sad and she gave us a pile of homework to do.

After diner I went to bed and I couldn't sleep because I wished that Mr Frogleterboo was back. Then out the window I saw a shooting star and wished that Mr Frogleterboo was back in my class the next morning everybody went to class sad and depressed but I saw my friend Olivia come out of the classroom happily because Mr Frogleterboo was back in the classroom and I lived happily ever after the end.

BY : Aixa & Shay


Writing - By Zoe

08:39 Anonymous 0 Comments

Blog post
Hi my name is Zoe.
I am going to America today we are going to go at 4.00 and we will be on the plane at 8.00. We are people that like to travel a lot. We are going to rent a campervan and we are going to sleep in it.



By Henry W

08:38 Anonymous 0 Comments

Cassie is my cat. We got her from a cat rescue place called lonely meow. She loves to play with her string. You always know where she sits because there is fur everywhere! 

Instead of drinking water from her water bowl she drinks water from the toilet. At night she sleeps with me then at 5.40am she goes to my mum and dad. 

But at cold nights she sleeps with my mum and dad because she can get under the sheets. Sometimes Cassie falls of the bed and doesn't land on her feet. She sometimes brings wetters and lizards into the house then drops them and goes back outside. 

Cassie is black and white and has unique markings. She only goes toilet outside but if she really has to go she will go in her toilet tray.


How my Dad broke his Ankle

08:37 Anonymous 3 Comments

How my Dad broke his ankle

On Sunday afternoon my Mum, Dad, brother, my 2 boy cousins, Aunt, my Uncle and me went to a pool place where they had water slides. So we went there to celebrate my Aunt's birthday.
When we got there we all hoped in a big pool where it was quite hot. We only stayed there for a while and let the little boys play. Then we went to a little slide and (I mean little it's one of the little kids slides for them to start of with.)  went down it . I only went down it 2 times because I thought it was too small, but the boys went down that side more.

Then my Dad suggested to go in the green taller twisty slide and said that it was slower than the other one, so the boys went but not me because I did not believe him so I went with the mums and waited for them. And guess what I was right one of them said the when you got lower you went faster and faster so they only did it one time.

They then went to the other slide and went down it then when my Dad went down the slide he hit the ground and somehow he broke his ankle and one of the life guards put him on a wheel chair and sat him in the car and he drove back home where the hospital was.

Then when he came back home he came back with a cast on his leg with crutches, and that's how my Dad broke his ankle.



Flowers - By Alexi

08:34 Anonymous 0 Comments

Flowers - My slide is about how i took a photo of someing.


Taro By Ana

08:33 Anonymous 0 Comments

Taro has black stripes and in the middle it's brown and grey.

Taro is a very cuddly cat and a really playful cat to. Taro is only 9 or 8 weeks old. 

He is sometimes a sneaky little cat because he sneaks out of the house sometimes or when our other cats food on the ground he drinks his water or eats his food.

Taro is sometimes scary because he runs across the hall and it makes me and my cousin a bit scared or he stares at us at night when we are trying to go to sleep.

The funny thing about him is he sometimes pokes his tongue out just a bit. Taro can't meow properly because he is a small kitten.

By Ana


Writing - By Natasha

08:32 Anonymous 1 Comments


Once upon a time,
There lived a little girl in a small house with her mother and father. Her name was Emily. Emily's father and mother's names were Bob and Emma. One night Emily watched a scary movie with her mother and father. She was so tired she decided to go to bed early. Emily fell asleep straight away. Emily dreamed of war, she was having a nightmare!

Bombs exploding, guns shooting at everyone and people running for their lives. Emily ran! She followed the others into a tank. The tank was pitch dark though she could still hear the Sound of guns firing and people shouting. Suddenly she heard a ringing sound that would not stop. Emily woke up and realised it was her alarm clock. she was so relieved to know it was just a dream!

The End

By Natasha


Writing - By Natasha

08:31 Anonymous 0 Comments

Same But Different

Once there lived a girl named Elizabeth the uniforms in Elizabeth's school include the colours of red and black it is hard to tell people apart. Elizabeth hated her school and every single teacher. The school building was painted with a dull grey and black colour. It still hasn't been repainted since 1973! It was now 2018!

Elizabeth was a miserable little girl and hated her life. Her Mum passed away in a heart attack and her dad died in a fight. Elizabeth had been sad since then. She now lives with a horrible housekeeper.

Though there was something different about Elizabeth that no one else knew about. Not even her! Inside her lonely sad heart there was one happy, kind person. Elizabeth had never used that happy person since her parents died. She had no friends at the school anymore because they were older than her and had now moved to a college far away.

Elizabeth heard that that there was a new girl coming to Elizabeth's school and she was the same age as Elizabeth. Though Elizabeth didn't even think that the new girl would be anything like her because it hadn't happened in two years.

But… Elizabeth was wrong! The girl came and visited. She asked Elizabeth "Do you want to play with me?" Elizabeth's heart brightened up and she nodded with a big smile! At morning tea time Elizabeth and her friend Gemma found out more and more about each other. Soon they became best friends and for once Elizabeth went home happy and came to school excited. Elizabeth sighed and said to herself quietly " There really is a friend for every person!"

The End

By Natasha


Introducing Zoe!

08:30 Anonymous 2 Comments

Hi I am Zoe. 
I am in hub 3 and I like science and I like to do experiments at home. I can speak a bit of Afrikaans like laca slap that means good morning and Dankie means thank you. I like gymnastics I go to ESGC, it stands for Eastern Suburbs Gymnastics Club.

By Zoe.


Introducing Aahaan!

08:29 Anonymous 4 Comments

My name is Aahaan I am 7 years old.

I need to get better at my typing so click on my name to see some fast finger typing.


Introducing Emily!

08:28 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Emily and I come from Auckland and it is fun here!

I have always thought of what presents I am going to get for Christmas night but Santa never gets it right. He never gives me what I want but sometimes I get what I want.  I get what I do not want. This Christmas I want to get some toys that I want this year at Christmas it is still fun.  Fun at Christmas.


Introducing Katie!

08:27 Anonymous 0 Comments

                                         my blog post

Hi my name is Katie I have a cat named sammy I got him for christmas from santa.I love doing things with my cat and he loves playing fetch and hide and seek so do I.

I love to have ice cream on hot sunny days and one of my favourite flavour's is chocolate. On the weekends I love going to the movies and having popcorn. 

My goal is to make knew freinds. One of my favourite meals is mack and cheese. My bff's are Devynee & Emma.


Introducing Tessa!

08:26 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Tessa
This year I need to work on adding on to people because I don't normally add on to people. I only do my idea and students add on to me.
I think i can try and get ideas so I can add on to other students
in the hub.


Introducing Yinon!

08:25 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Yinon and I NEED to focus on my learning this year so I get more learning juice and finish more quickly. 

I like playing video games and watching tv too. Sometimes I like telling a few jokes that makes my family laugh.


Introducing Carys!

08:24 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Carys
I am part Welsh and part Sri Lankan but mainly English.
I am a student at stonefields school.
My favorite subject at school is writing even though I need a bit more practise.


Introducing Inayah!

08:23 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Inayah. 
My goal for this year is to get better at maths. I am good at maths but I want to stretch myself so that I get really good. I play some of these games to get better at maths.

Screenshot 2016-03-02 at 10.43.20 AM.pngScreenshot 2016-03-02 at 10.43.14 AM.pngScreenshot 2016-03-02 at 10.43.06 AM.png


Introducing Rhys!

08:22 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Rhys
My goals are for 2016 is

1.get more learning done
2.need to collaborate more with people in better playces


Introducing Mia Rose!

08:22 Anonymous 0 Comments

This year I want to be better at maths because last year I was not stretching myself enough. Also I think that I could get better at not getting distracted.

By Mia Rose    


Introducing Julia!

08:21 Anonymous 0 Comments

I like school because it is fun and I like my new  teachers. 
I have 3 teachers.


Introducing Loeki!

08:20 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi, I'm Loeki

I really like soccer and writing. 

My goal for this year is to get better at maths. My teachers are kind to. 

I also want to move more steps in my reading.  


Introducing Shay!

08:20 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi, I'm Shay.

My talent is singing and dancing I started singing when I was 3 years old and dancing when I was 2 years old so I've been dancing for 7 years and singing for 6 years.


Introducing Krysten!

08:19 Anonymous 1 Comments

Hi my name is Krysten and when i'm older I want to be a dance teacher.

I think P.E will help me get better at movement and energy and drama so when i'm dancing I can use my face too.

I think the learner quality I need to work on is connect because I never really use it in my learning and I think if I use it my learning will be better my talent is ballet and jazz and demi ballet and contemporary which is dance.

I do competition at Meba dance school, it's really fun and I love doing it. 


hello 2016!

10:50 Anonymous 0 Comments

Kia ora hello and Hi I am Lily N. I am in hub 3.  I have a big family with my mum dad sister and my pets, for example four chooks Gloria Penny and Eloise and Doris two cats Maddy and Marlin and 2 fish Peach and Jack. My favourite animal is a dog but I still love other animals. My favourite imagine animal is a dragon and my favourite sport is netball and swimming. My favourite food is sushi.  I love snuggles cuddles and in the weekends I like snuggling with my Dad and laughing.  Everyone's there when I'm sad. I love tv but I have to remember I can do something else. For example I love reading. I love monsters and mysteries and Sleeping. I like exploring the world.
by Lily.N.  


From Vonara

10:41 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Vonara
In breakthrough my group have started doing  hair braiding , with wool, real hair and string, we had to  do lots of research  to know how to hair braid. My group is Tanuki and me no one  else wanted  to join our group, we made apply understanding we filled up the whole page because, we  both  worked together and that's how we got so much ideas !   


From Eugene

10:37 Anonymous 0 Comments

My name is Eugene I'm 8 years and. My goal is to get better at my writing because I sometimes I forget to put full stops in my writing so click my name to see some pieces of writing.


Me by Kodi

10:32 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Kodi, I like singing. The songs I have really liked lately are Hello, double rainbow, firework, out the woods and my favourite singers are Adel, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.


Who am I writing

10:28 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Hannah,

By the end of this year I want to get better at maths because I am not very good at maths like division I am hopeless at it. So I am going to practice mostly on my maths so I can improve for when I go to college and high school. Last year I didn't get a very high mark for maths.


Blog Post By: Hunter

10:27 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello my name is Hunter. I have 23 friends and most of them are at school and I like swimming and also I like karate.


Introducing Britta!

10:20 Anonymous 0 Comments

My Goal

Hello my name is Britta and this is a little bit about my learning goal. I want to be able to pull off my 11, 9, and 7 times tables because I want to be an architect or interior designer when I am older. The math will help with all the room measurements.



from Devynee

10:18 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Devynee and my learning goal for this year is to get better at my math because I think don't really know much and I want to learn more about it.
My passion is writing so click on my name to see more of my story's.


Introducing Lauren!

10:18 Anonymous 0 Comments

Bula, my name is Lauren and i am 7 years old. I like swimming and walking my dogs spy and peaches and this year I really need to work on doing my math and my reading.


Introducing Nikki!

10:17 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Nikki. 

l love doing math and my favorite food is ice cream. l go to Stonefields School and my teachers help me to do everything and they are called Mrs Ruffell, Miss P, Miss Hansen, Mr Miller. My teachers are the best l love my school and l also have 9 friends and my new hub was hub 3 it was up sisters and l had a chrome book its like a computer but its not. l am a year 3. my home is not far away and l have a farm. l love the school and l love my family. I have a 10 fish at home. I named one fish Bob.


By Aixa blog post

10:04 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hola, Hi my name is Aixa,
I love to dance and do art. When I grow up I want to be a hip hop champion. My family (Mum and Dad) are from Argentina but my Dad's side first populated from france.


Introducing Jayden!

10:03 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Jayden and my focus for this year is to be more self aware because I mostly sit with my friends and I don't get that much work done like follow ups, free writing and reading.


Introducing Danielle!

09:49 Anonymous 0 Comments

Kia ora,  I'm Danielle and I'm from Samoa and it's hot there. 
My Favourite animal is a cat and dog because they are fluffy. This year I really want to focus on my Maths because I don't usually like maths so I think that I should do maths.


Introducing Tarfah!

09:46 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Tarfah.
I come from Saudi Arabia. I go to Stonefields school in Hub 3. I am 9 years old and I am a year 4. I like going jumping in trampoline park I also like to go ice skating with my dad and my brother. Every year I go to Rainbows end with my friends and family. If you click on my name you will see my learning.    

By: Tarfah


Introducing Alexi!

09:43 Anonymous 0 Comments

Bula, my name is Alexi and i have long milk chocolate hair. 
In summer it goes blond Everyday. I feel like eating white chocolate all Century because I love it. 
My favourite sport is skating because I feel like i am an  Ice Princess. If I could I would eat candy for a whole Century and I love candy floss soooo much. At every fair I go to I have to get candy floss and chips in tomato sauce and i love bunnies sooo much i cry a bit.


Introducing Axel!

09:41 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Axel.  
I like playing games and I love to go to the beach. l do not like pumpkin but I love dogs and cats. Lots of the time I'm a happy boy who loves going to different countries. I am trying to do more maths and to collaborate with other people.  


Introducing Georgia.W

09:34 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Georgia and I am really good at painting but I need to work on drawing. This year I am working on doing science. I need to really work on doing gymnasts.


Celebrating St Patrick's Day

07:57 Anonymous 0 Comments

Term 1 2016

Today in LH3 we celebrated St Patrick's Day by making 4 leaf clovers and used to create shapes that represent this special day with lots of vocabulary!


Introducing Danny!

09:56 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi i'm Danny. 
This year I want to be as focussed as I can this year because last year I didn't get as much learning done as I could have.
I like hub 3 because the teachers are very kind and helpfull. 
We have brand new furniture and electronics which is good because if we had old things it would mean that they might not work as well and we can't use them.


Introducing Natasha!

09:50 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Natasha.
I grew up on a smallholding in Knysna. (South Africa)
I lived there for four years and then moved to New Zealand. I am now nine years old.
My favourite sports are netball, swimming and tennis.
If you want to see stories that I have written click on my name when you go on the blog.



Introducing Harry!

09:49 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Harry and I live in New Zealand. I am from hub 3 and I am from stonefields school.
I am seven years old and a year three. 
My favorite thing is to play on the xbox 360 and my goal is to get better at reading because last year I got at standard.


Introducing Oliver!

09:48 Anonymous 0 Comments

Kia Ora My Name is Ollie short for Oliver and for my first 2016 Blog post I am going to be posting a video game about Me and my buddys Axel and Yinon. Click Here to make a game.


Introducing Aurelia!

09:48 Anonymous 0 Comments

Kia ora my name is Aurelia and I'm year 4 in hub 3 at school. 
My favourite subject is breakthrough because you can follow your passions and we all have to do mini breakthrough and we have to do video games on sploder and RPG playground. 
I am 7 years old and I have a cute cat named Cassie that is 3 months old. 
My aim is to become a scientist because I'm working with chemicals at home to make a crystal.


Introducing Henry!

09:47 Anonymous 0 Comments

Kia ora, I'm Henry.
I'm 8 and I love to play hockey. I have a cat named Cassie. I love to listen to music. I go to school at Stonefields and I learn in Hub 3.  

This year my first goal is to get better at attack in hockey. then l will try get better at timetables.  


Introducing Thomas!

09:46 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi my name is Thomas:
My goals for 2016 are:
  1. to get a trust licence
  2. get more learning done in blocks
  3. collaborate with people that aren't just my friends.


Introducing Jahvan!

09:45 Anonymous 0 Comments

Namaste my name is Jahvan and I have lots friends. 

Goals for me this year are to learn all of the nations in the world and the periodic table. I'm most interested in gaming because I'm most good at it and I'm really interested to see new games coming in the future.


Introducing Kaelan!

09:43 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello I'm Kaelan.
I like writing because you can write about anything you want. Here is my first piece of writing for the year.

The best part of me

If I didn't have feet I wouldn't be able to walk my whole entire life! I will be very sad because I won't be able to walk or  play or anything else that's why I love my feet. My feet are very special. If I sat on a wheel chair I would be able to play but less sport games like soccer,basketball and a lot more. If we have to sit in a wheelchair for a long time we could get really fat because we can't exercise                        

By Kaelan