Why shape shifting is the best super power - By Ana

13:52 Anonymous 3 Comments

Why shape shifting is the best super power

I am going to tell you three points based on why shape shifting is the best super power you could ever have!.

First point is It can help you, Because It can help you play hide and seek, Example If you had no hiding spot then you could shape shift into a rock, art or someone else.

Second point is you could find out secrets, Because sometimes people want to know  what other people are gossiping about, Example if your school has a secret know one would tell you you could shape shift into someone they might tell.

Last point is It's fun!, Because if you hate surprises than you could shape shift into your mum's or dad's clothes and find out what you are getting for your birthday, Example If you were bored and you had nothing to do then you could shape shift into anything.

That's why shape shifting is way better than any other super power.

By Ana

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  1. Hello Ana, I like how you tell the reader what is shape shifting and what you can use it for.

  2. Talofa, Ana I really like you shape shifting writing and my favorite parts are the second and last point but at the end I think you could of done added a little bit more detail.

  3. Hello Ana hope you are having a good day, You have a done very good job at this, but maybe in your 1st paragraph I think you could add a bit more detail to it like saying what you would like to be and what would be a good place to hide into. I like the way you had named the paragraphs it brings a clear visual of what you are talking about.
