Free writing
When Devynee and Ana grow up we want to be a silver ferns because we are really passionate about netball and we have been practising our shooting and practicing ever since we were 3 even you know I wasn't tall enough we never give up. What got us inspired us always watching the silver ferns vs Australia and the silver ferns always getting a goal everyone said ooh that sounds like a good thing to do I think I might try it. Now Devynee and Ana are in a club called stonefields united we practice on mondays and we are getting better and better every time. We practice our passing and our foot work at my netball practice and sometimes we do little games vs the same people in our team but we just get into 2 groups so we can vs each other. P.s it is the best netball club By Devynee and Ana
Hi dev I like netball to do you watch some of the other game not just the Australian diamonds vs the silver ferns? I hope you get to be in the silver ferns and have fun! bye .