Why telekinesis is the best super power by Aixa
Why telekinesis is the best super power
Have you ever wished to have a superpower, what would yours be? My one would be telekinesis (mind controlling) because it is the best super power in the world. Here are three good reasons why telekinesis is the best super power in the world or even universe!!!
The first and best reason why telekinesis is the best super power is because you can get stuff without anyone seeing you get it because, you're not there! If you were grounded you wouldn't be allowed to do something. For example if you were grounded and you weren't allowed to eat candy you can just open the door of the cupboard and then get the candy and eat it. When you were walking with your Mum or Dad you might of saw something cool. For example if you saw something cool on sale at a shop but your Mum or Dad wouldn't let you buy it you could just get some money out of your mums purse or Dad's wallet by controlling it with your mind without anyone seeing you get it and then you can buy it in the morning, YAY!!
Another reason why telekinesis is the best super power is because you can scare or trick people. For halloween you might decorations but you want to make look like the movies. For example you could let people in your house and make them think there are ghosts in the house but your just mind controlling it with your super power telekinesis you could also do this to a school bully at school or somewhere else and they would go AAA!!
The final reason why telekinesis is the best super power is because you can do 2 things at once which you wouldn't usually be able to do. If you were in class doing your test and a friend texted to you but you couldn't answer because you're doing a test and the teachers is watching. For example you our doing a test and a friend texted you, you can get your phone out of the bag and put it under your desk and type by using you the power and do the test with your hands.
The best super power in the world is telekinesis, you ask why? Well that's because you can get stuff without anyone seeing you get it, you can scare or trick people and you can do 2 things at once that no one else can do.