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The adventures of Yinon and Danny

Once in the land of pokemon there were two trainers named Danny and Yinon. The two boys had the same pokemon pikachu. The two trainers found the master ball jackpot with 100 collectable master balls (master balls are the best balls in the pokemon universe). The trainers were happy because Yinon caught a charizard level 96. The two battled and trained in the gyms of auckland and wellington and all of New zealand and want to go all around the world.

Yinon and Danny were running away from another charizard that was weak. It was level 33 charizard. Yinon's charizard officially could mega evolve into mega charizard!. Yinon was so happy with his charizard and Danny's pikachu was evolving. Danny was so excited that it was going into it's final evolution. Danny and Yinon were so excited that the pokemon were evolving for once. The two boys were feeling great. Yinon caught a Mewtwo and an Alakazam. Yinon and Danny went to get a haircut and groom a pokemon.

It was nighttime and they booked a hotel at Wellington and went to sleep. In the morning the two boys went to go and train in a virtual world. Yinon completed it and was waiting for Danny. Danny was very happy when he completed the virtual world. Danny and Yinon went back home after having a wonderful day.

The end

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  1. Cool Pokemon story, Danny and Yinon. I liked the second paragraph when you were running away from the charizard, level 33. And also I liked that you were writing about pokemon :)

    1. Hi alan thanks for the positivity and the piece of writing is all made by me. But there was a confusion between me and danny and who wrote it. Yinon
