Natasha's blog profile

13:54 Anonymous 7 Comments

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  1. Hey Natasha! I really liked your writing about yourself! Very descriptive! I really like your picture, very pretty! I didn’t know you grew up in Knysna, South Africa! Thanks for explaining what a smallholding is, I had no idea whatsoever, and who would ever guess South London is in South Africa! My only feedback for you is maybe add which school you go to up the top, just a structure suggestion!
    Keep it up,

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  4. Hi Natasha I love your writing about you. I love how it has full stops and capital letters.

  5. Thanks Bella for the feedback! The only reason why I didn't put it at the top was because the top is more about where I use to live and my family. The bottom paragraph is more about school.

  6. Hi Natasha, i like your writing it was awesome.You wrote about yourself. really really like it. Like your picture. I make a connection about where you born and where I was born. We have been born in different countries.I was born in Philippines. Do you still get homesick sometimes?

  7. Dwyane:
    Yeah, Sometimes I do because I miss my family.
