My first try at explanation writing
Why children play sport
This explanation is about why children play sport. - sports can be diffrent things and you can do Difrent things whith them
The first reason why children play sport is so they keep fit. They can get exercise and become fit and strong and become healthy or they will become unfit and lazy and become a boring person.
The second reason why children play sport is they want to be like famous sports players, like ronaldo brendum mccullum richie mccaw kane williamson.This is because they get to play sport all the time and have a lot of fun.
The final reason why children like to play sport is some children might like to practise for their sports team. Sometimes it's because it's what they want to be when they grow up.
Hi Alex: I liked your blog post because I like the topic and want to read what it was about I also like to practice for a sport team I play soccer and last year I played rugby. What do you like to play?