Ainsley Animal writing
What do you think Joey's eat ? don't know? read to find out koalas are really interesting and cool. There are only 2-3 species of koalas in the world. Saddly they are endangered animals that are native to Australia..also their are lots of types of koalas a male koala is called a buck a female is called a doe and a baby koala is called a joey and they have no tails !
wombats. Koalas loves to sleep.
Baby koalas are called joeys. Baby joey's stays in their mother's pouch for about six months, But after six month they stay on their mother's back until they are old enough to live on their own.
You might not think that koalas and kangaroos are related to each other but they are! Because they are both native and only found in Australia. A koala can run as fast as a rabbit/bunny, Because they are not really fast because they always climb and hang on trees. Koalas are closely related to ep. Everyday the world for sleep 20 hours, But koalas are NOT nocturnal.
Koalas eat leaves from a eucalypt tree but Joey's eat their mothers poop . An adult koala will eat 500g of leaves to 1kg a day . Koala's can actually hold food in their bellies for over a week . Koalas are also herbivorous animals . Koalas also eat a small amount of soil to supplement their diet with some mineral nutrients . Only 50 of 500 or more species of eucalyptus leaves are suitable to the koala's diet . 🍁
Koalas live in Australia They live at forests. There is a forest called Bushland and koalas lives there. They also lives at southeastern and south Australia. Koalas only lives at Australia because they are native animals. Koalas spends most of their time on trees. Koalas prefer living at forest with lots of wood. Koalas always climbs on trees to keep them safe from predators, and to keep their baby joeys safe.🔪🌲 
Koalas are actually not bears koalas also have very similar fingerprints to humans. Koalas are really close and related to kangaroos and wombats. Koalas are great swimmers and when koalas are hot they hug trees to cool themselfs down . Koalas also don't have really good sightseeing or eyesight . They have an Amazing sense of smell too. Also some people wonder, don't koalas butts get pain ? No because their butts are pins and needles free , So they can sleep as long as they want.✋