Superpowers GO - Ainsley

09:37 Anonymous 0 Comments

Super powers go!

Why card power is the best for you here are three reasons why i think card power is the best.

Firstly It will make you or me smartest of the class.It will also let you do whatever you want and all the other students and my friends in school so it would be like lunch and morning tea.For exaple  So if you don't know a question then you can pause everyone and go on calculator and get the answer and when you do or find a card with play you can awnser the quistion straight away just like that.

The second reason is so we might get a trip every week.If the school or my hub wants to go somewhere you can throw a card in front of you and a portal will show up so we can go to that place that the school or the hub wants to go.For example if the school or hub wanted to go to England then we would go there or maybe even to mt wellington for a trip we would still go there.

The last and final reason is safety fun and not die.It would be so fun to have card power and it would be really safe and you would not die at all even if you were attaked the baddie would not touch you at all not even a bit.For exaple If you throw a pause button at the baddie then you can call the police before they can escape because they can't at all.

So that's why i think card power is the best don't you think? Well i hope you change your mind about other powers and rather have card power.😃

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