
10:00 Anonymous 1 Comments

I am really proud of this writing!

Why do children learn to swim?  

In New Zealand we are surrounded by water, many children learn to swim everyday and there are three key reasons why.

The first reason why children learn to swim is because if you were
near deep water you might accidentally fall in and drown.  For example  If you were out fishing on a boat there could big waves rocking the boat so if you can't swim you might drown

The second  reason why children learn to swim is because it keeps you healthy and it's good exercise! so you don't have to go for a run, it keeps you fit and it's fun to do on hot days. For example when it's a hot day you can go swimming at the beach or at your local swimming pool. You can stay active and get some exercise, it gives you something to do and won't get bored while you are swimming .

The third  reason why children learn to swim is because as a child you might become passionate about swimming.And want to have a job around it to be extra safe  because you will get even better doing it every day. For example you may become an Olympic swimmer, become a  swimming coach or a lifeguard and you will be safer around water.

Children learn to swim for different reasons, because you might drown, you might get a job in swimming and because it's good for you.

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1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Britta
    I like your persuasion writing because you explained that it’s fun to do and you showed what the big why was. Maybe next time you should check your puntuation or read your writing again. I have writting this kind of story.
    Why coudn’t you go for a run?
