
09:33 Anonymous 2 Comments

Hi, in term one we were studying about time and measurement.

It was challenging at first but then I got the hang of it.

First we studied time then measurement.

This presentation will show you what learning we have done during our time and measurement.

By Danny

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  1. Hi Danny, I really like your Blog Post because I got to learn all about what you like and your key strength math! In your decimals page it had problems I never knew you could solve but the one really got me and left me dead was 999.5 + 456.9 = 1456.4 it actually took me almost half an hour to just solve it. You really showed me how good you are with decimals. But next time maybe you would like to put in the strategy so people can learn how you did it so more people can be like you with decimals. Good Job! ����

  2. Thank you Jahvan for your very nice comment, thank you for giving me some feed forward and feedback. :)
