Explanation (Swimming)
Why do children learn to swim?
This explanation is about why children need to learn how to swim. Here are three reasons why…
The first reason why children need to swim is to have fun.
It is an activity that you can do with friends. For example… If your friend invited you to their birthday party and it was at a swimming party. You wouldn't be able to go because you wouldn't know how to swim. You would miss out on all the fun activities like water fights.
Swimming is fun because it is different to most activities (Sports) for example… Most children like to keep active and swimming is a fun and different way to keep active. All of the other sports are on land but swimming is in the water.
Children enjoy being under water. For example… You have an opportunity to go swimming with sea animals and you have always wanted to go but you can't go because you haven't learn't how to swim. (e.g swimming with dolphins.)
The second reason why children need to swim is for safety.
It is important that children wear life jackets when they are in deep waters. For example… What happened if one day you were in the ocean and the boat you were in flipped over and floated away. You would probably drown if you didn't have a life jacket on or didn't know how to swim. That's why it's important to have a life jacket because it will help you to swim if the water is really deep.
Children need to know how to keep calm if something is going wrong while they're in the water. For Example...One day you were stuck in a rip current it would be almost impossible to get out. You have to remember to keep calm and call for safety immediately.
It is important that children know how to swim if they are in deep waters. For example… You were doing a kayak race and the waves made your boat tip over. The waves were so strong that it unbuckled your life jacket and it floated away. You wouldn't be able to get close to land or an Island without swimming skills. That's why it's it's important to know how to swim properly and always have your life jacket buttoned up well.
The third reason why children need to swim is for exercise.
It is important that children swim a lot because it is a great exercise and helps you get fit quickly. For example… Swimming is a very important sport because you can get a lot of exercise out of it. It's gentle on joints, reducing the risk of injury and you don't need to worry about the smell of hot and smelly armpits afterwards.
Some swimming strokes can be very similar to other sport techniques. For example...Swimming can help you to build muscle and in a lot of sports you need muscle.Swimming can also have similar movements to other sports. (e.g freestyle stroke is similar to a shot-put throw/push.)
Children learn to swim for different reasons, fun, safety and exercise!
By Natasha